Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why Numbers Matter

I've been thinking a lot lately about numbers and church church growth and I came to a reaffirming idea that numbers do matter. Numbers or people at Life Church matter because each number represents a person, a soul. We want to lead that person to become a fully devoted follower of Christ.

The other reason numbers matter is because I think it shows the heart beat of the church for those far from God. I'm not saying bigger numbers are better or the other way around, but I think a church of any size that is not growing in numbers has lost focus of what the Church really is. The Church exists for the world. It exists to preach the Gospel and be the hands and feet of Jesus. If we do that with great passion and vision then over time (whether its 1,000 or just 1 by 1) we will see our local church numbers grow because people will be finding new life in Jesus Christ.

It pains me that myself and other Christians have been okay with not seeing the numbers increase, because as I said, those numbers represent lives. It's not numbers for the sake of numbers. It numbers for the sake of the Gospel to see lives changed by the power of Jesus Christ love, grace, mercy and forgiveness.

My prayer is that the local churches of western North Carolina and Franklin, NC become fed up with not seeing people come to their church to hear the Gospel and know Christ's perfect love. They will come and the "numbers" will increase as we act like the church God wants us to be by serving, caring for and loving our neighbors, co-workers, friends and family.

Will you help me help increase the numbers (lives changed by Jesus love and the power of the Gospel we have to show and preach)?

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