Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Around Life

- We had our second baptism bash this year and it was simply amazing. We baptized 7 people right on the front walk off the theater at the end of our worship experience. People we cheering and clapping and celebrating every life. It is one of my greatest honors to see someone express their faith in Christ through baptism. What an amazing celebration.

- We started week 1 of the new series I Believe In You. If you were a 30 and under person in the building I hope you were greatly encouraged. This was one of the best messages I have on a Sunday morning directly spoken to young adults and students.

- To piggy back on Craig's message from Sunday I want to say that young adults and student are NOT the future of the church, they ARE the church! I have and always believe that everyone in the Church is the Church and we need to quit pushing back the younger generation. I'm only 32, but I know their are younger adults and students that can and will do ministry so much better than I could or ever would. We want you to know Life Church is YOUR church. We are cheering you on and want to see you chase God passion and dream to the fullest.

Have a great week!

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