Monday, November 1, 2010

Around Life

After spending time last week with other LifeChurch.t Network churches I am once again reminded how special all that is happening here at Life Church Franklin really is. God is moving and changing so many lives, including mine. It's an amazing place to be and it is simply by his power and Spirit alive in us that this is happening. I encourage you to continue praying for our church and for the lives that will be changed during the remainder of 2010.

Here are some thoughts about Sunday and things at LCF:

- The start of our new series Masquerade was awesome. Craig very specifically encouraged us to take off the makes we hide behind and quite trying to hide from God. I could see in the eyes of many people yesterday that they were freed to quit hiding and live in His love and grace.

- The time of prayer after the service was amazing. I'm telling you, it's not an easier life when you decide to follow Christ whole-heartedly, but it's a life worth living. His love, grace and mercy are more than enough for us both in the good and bad. God is good!

- Life change is happening! 2 people committed their lives to Jesus Christ yesterday. That never gets old. Lets pray for them that God will surround them and they will feel his presence and grow in their faith in great ways.

- Collections for items for operation Christmas Child shoeboxes are this Sunday. Bring stuff. We want to fill at least 250 boxes this year. For a complete list of items to bring this Sunday click here.

- Thank you Life Church Franklin for being faithful to the work God is doing in our church. Things are just getting started and the best is yet to come!

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