Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So Much Happening

Wow, so much is happening around Life Church Franklin!
-New Offices
-New Volunteers
-Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes

We are in our new offices and I must say it is great! I can't believe how much space we now have. I have my own office (which I have never experienced). We have storage on sight and it is so nice to have supplies in one place! It all came together very nice with the new paint, carpet and furniture! Thanks to all who helped make it happen! I will miss Bonnie from the old office but I know I can go to visit her anytime! I will also miss the ease of conversation that we were able to have in the closeness of the other office!

God comes through each week to provide volunteers that make LifeKIDS a great place for our KIDS to grow closer to him each week! Honestly, my flesh worries weekly as we have a few volunteers that are not able to make it for some reason or another. I can worry, but until I truly trust Him to provide for all of our needs, then I can find the peace needed for all things to work out! We have incredible volunteers that will fill in for each other, others who just say we will be fine with the volunteers that we already have and those willing to substitute, it has worked out!! We also have lost a few volunteers lately to various circumstances in their lives, however, God has come through and is providing new volunteers to fill those spots!!! He is so good!!! I shouldn't be surprised but should know we are blessed to be provided for in many ways!

We had a great time last week at our “Shoe Box Night”! I love seeing all the KIDS and parents working together to put the boxes together! It was awesome to see the KIDS writing letters to share Jesus to a child they don't even know, filling boxes and helping to wrap them too! We were able to put together just over 200 boxes this year! That night there was also an opportunity to prepare Christmas cards for our troops. One of our six year old LifeKIDS wrote the most touching Christmas card it almost made me cry! If you weren't there, you missed out on a wonderful time!

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Lisa Hanna

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