Wednesday, December 14, 2011

LifeKIDS with Lisa

I recently read in a devotion by E.M. Bounds on CHARACTER AND CONDUCT:
Conduct, is what we do; character, is what we are. Conduct is the
outward life. Character is the life unseen, hidden within, yet
evidenced by that which is seen. Conduct is external, seen from
without; character is internal -- operating within. In the economy of
grace conduct is the offspring of character. Character is the state of
the heart, conduct its outward expression. Character is the root of
the tree, conduct, the fruit it bears.

I think about the family and the impact we the church can have on the
lives of the children, I pray that parents understand how important
their character and conduct is in the lives of their own children!
Parents are the most important role model a child has!!!Others that
have influence on a child should be there to come along side and
enhance what the parents have begun!

Make sure you are instilling Biblical truths into your children, with
the web today there are so many resources out there like Keys for Kids
and I recently found an advent calendar on
Make family time to have game night, pray together as a family, let
you children see you reading the Bible!!

I know many families that are diligent in raising up the next
generation to be a generation that seeks Him and it is evident through
the character and conduct of their children!

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will
not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Blessed to be a mom,
Lisa Hanna
LifeKIDS Coordinator

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