Tuesday, July 28, 2009

You're Never Ready For Everything

As the days tick by we get closer and closer to our move to the Smoky Mountain Center for Performing Arts. Each day I usually have one of those "oh, no" moments where I remember something or think I forgot something, or a combination of both.
The one thing I have learned in this short time of planting Life Church Franklin is that you are never fully prepared or ready for everything that might come. Things will come out of left field and catch you off guard or some problem will arise that you didn't expect. The biggest thing is how do you and I respond to it?
I think this totally relates to a life in chasing after God. It's not a safe planned out path. I mean, if you would have told 5 years ago that we would plant a church in Franklin, I would have just laughed. It seems the most excitement in our journeys with God are the things that just come up. Those moments where God lays something in your lap and says "Here you go". So how do we respond in those moments. Do we freak out and say no way since we aren't prepared? Or do we run with the God given dream, vision, plan God has given?
I am not saying preparation is wrong or a bad thing. I think its a smart thing to do, but when God "pops" something on us its up to us to respond and trust him.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Family Time

I heard this past Sunday at Life Church Franklin was awesome. I heard, because well, I wasn't there. I am not gonna lie to you. I wasn't there. The reason I wasn't there was that my wife and I enjoyed a great few days together at the beach celebrating her birthday and our 10 year anniversary.
I am grateful to be serving and leading a church that understands and values these times in my personal life. When Laurel and I saw that God was growing and moving in BIG ways at LCF we committed to never allowing the church to become more important than our family. Our first ministry is and ALWAYS will be our family.
1 Timothy 3: 4-5 says of church leaders: "He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect.(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?)"
So, if I can't effectively take care of and lead my family I don't believe God will honor my work leading LCF. That's why no matter where this journey of leading LCF takes me and my family, they will always be my top priority right behind chasing God's heart.
I also find that the times I get away from Franklin, LCF and the busyness of life, I find more time to reflect on how awesome God's work is and He reveals more passion and excitement for whats to come.
I continue to commit to work hard, pray hard and chase hard after the heart of God for me and His Church....and always know that my family is included right here with that.
LCF, Thanks for being such an amazing church that is passionate about being Jesus hands and feet and expressing his love to this world. I am truly honored to be a part of this! Thank you Jesus!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Re-Launch Meeting Recap

Yesterday was our Re-Launch church lunch meeting to talk about vision and serving opportunities with our move to the Smoky Mountain Center for Performing Arts and The Factory.
We had a great turnout and many people went ahead and signed up for the serving opportunities that they were best suited for. Serving through the local church is a huge opportunity to use your gifts to help encourage believers and lead other to Jesus.
We want to create a comfortable, inviting environment to share a very dangerous, life changing message of hope, truth, love and salvation found in Christ.
If you are plugged in to Life Church or looking to get more plugged in we want you to serve. We want you to use your gifts and talents to lead others to Christ. The following steps will help you find your fit, explain the serving opportunities and give you the form to sign up.

1. Read "Find Your Fit". This document will help you identify the serving team(s) you will be suited for according to your gifts, talents and personality.

2. After identifying the team(s) you are best suited for, read about those teams in the Host Team Manual. This explains in detail the vision, responsibilities and time commitment for each team.

3. Lastly, use the Volunteer Commitment Form to sign up for a team. Serving at LCF is a commitment, but one that is very rewarding. We ask for you to be responsible for your commitment, but you have the option to change teams after a 6 month period.

Especially with LifeKIDS, we will have rotations of teaching teams, so you will not miss the adult worship experiences every week. We hope to have a 2 week on, 4 week off schedule for LifeKIDS teams.

If you have specific questions about the Host of LifeKIDS teams please contact the team coordinators:

LifeKIDS Team
Mark and Chantelle Blakely - mcabb@verizon.net

Host Team
Rob and Nancy Gasbarro - Rob@bridgebuilders.com or Nancy.Gasbarro@drakesoftware.com

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday Morning Thoughts

Yesterday was an amazing message from Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. We have had the privilege of hearing Steven preach before and it's also a great time for us. His message yesterday was God is Great/God is God. A simple saying with profound revelations for us. You can watch the message online at Life Church Franklin online under Current Series.

- It looks like a lot of people were out of town this weekend with the 4th of July holiday. I hope everyone had a great time and was safe.

- I have to say that Lifers are very generous people. The consistent tithes and offerings at Life Church Franklin are amazing. These financial resources are and will continue to allow us to encourage, equip and lead people people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Thanks!

- I can't help but think that the best of what God is going to do at LCF is yet to come. I pray and beg God that He uses Life Church to lead many people to salvation and life change through Jesus. If that prayer is your too, I encourage you to pray and see how God moves.

- I am so encouraged by the community I see at LCF. People are building relationships with people! Wow, what concept. This life is not meant to be lived alone. God wants us to commune with each other and our community to encourage believers and lead other to Him. As LCF grows it is so important you get plugged into a Life Group and serve. WE don't want anyone to get lost in the crowd...so find a group, makes some new finds, invite a new person over for dinner, connect with someone at LCF and build a new relationship.

- Don't forget the Launch Team Church Meeting this Sunday immediately after the worship expereince! Free lunch and childcare will be provided. Find your fit and plug into serving at LCF as we move to the SMCFTPA and The Factory!

Have a great week!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What is a LifeChurch.tv Network Church?

I recently recorded a video about what it is to be a LifeChurch.tv Network church like Life Church Franklin. Every few weeks I receive an email or request about our usage of the LifeChurch.tv Network resources, so I thought I would put it in a short video. There are many church plants and existing churches considering using LC.tv's Network option. I thought I would share it with you so you can learn more too.