Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Family Time

I heard this past Sunday at Life Church Franklin was awesome. I heard, because well, I wasn't there. I am not gonna lie to you. I wasn't there. The reason I wasn't there was that my wife and I enjoyed a great few days together at the beach celebrating her birthday and our 10 year anniversary.
I am grateful to be serving and leading a church that understands and values these times in my personal life. When Laurel and I saw that God was growing and moving in BIG ways at LCF we committed to never allowing the church to become more important than our family. Our first ministry is and ALWAYS will be our family.
1 Timothy 3: 4-5 says of church leaders: "He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect.(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?)"
So, if I can't effectively take care of and lead my family I don't believe God will honor my work leading LCF. That's why no matter where this journey of leading LCF takes me and my family, they will always be my top priority right behind chasing God's heart.
I also find that the times I get away from Franklin, LCF and the busyness of life, I find more time to reflect on how awesome God's work is and He reveals more passion and excitement for whats to come.
I continue to commit to work hard, pray hard and chase hard after the heart of God for me and His Church....and always know that my family is included right here with that.
LCF, Thanks for being such an amazing church that is passionate about being Jesus hands and feet and expressing his love to this world. I am truly honored to be a part of this! Thank you Jesus!

1 comment:

steveharrison said...

Great word Patrick! Way to lead strong at home 1st and at LC Franklin!! Excited to hear about the continued growth and the move into the events center...