Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday Morning Thoughts

Yesterday was an amazing message from Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. We have had the privilege of hearing Steven preach before and it's also a great time for us. His message yesterday was God is Great/God is God. A simple saying with profound revelations for us. You can watch the message online at Life Church Franklin online under Current Series.

- It looks like a lot of people were out of town this weekend with the 4th of July holiday. I hope everyone had a great time and was safe.

- I have to say that Lifers are very generous people. The consistent tithes and offerings at Life Church Franklin are amazing. These financial resources are and will continue to allow us to encourage, equip and lead people people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Thanks!

- I can't help but think that the best of what God is going to do at LCF is yet to come. I pray and beg God that He uses Life Church to lead many people to salvation and life change through Jesus. If that prayer is your too, I encourage you to pray and see how God moves.

- I am so encouraged by the community I see at LCF. People are building relationships with people! Wow, what concept. This life is not meant to be lived alone. God wants us to commune with each other and our community to encourage believers and lead other to Him. As LCF grows it is so important you get plugged into a Life Group and serve. WE don't want anyone to get lost in the find a group, makes some new finds, invite a new person over for dinner, connect with someone at LCF and build a new relationship.

- Don't forget the Launch Team Church Meeting this Sunday immediately after the worship expereince! Free lunch and childcare will be provided. Find your fit and plug into serving at LCF as we move to the SMCFTPA and The Factory!

Have a great week!

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