Monday, July 13, 2009

Re-Launch Meeting Recap

Yesterday was our Re-Launch church lunch meeting to talk about vision and serving opportunities with our move to the Smoky Mountain Center for Performing Arts and The Factory.
We had a great turnout and many people went ahead and signed up for the serving opportunities that they were best suited for. Serving through the local church is a huge opportunity to use your gifts to help encourage believers and lead other to Jesus.
We want to create a comfortable, inviting environment to share a very dangerous, life changing message of hope, truth, love and salvation found in Christ.
If you are plugged in to Life Church or looking to get more plugged in we want you to serve. We want you to use your gifts and talents to lead others to Christ. The following steps will help you find your fit, explain the serving opportunities and give you the form to sign up.

1. Read "Find Your Fit". This document will help you identify the serving team(s) you will be suited for according to your gifts, talents and personality.

2. After identifying the team(s) you are best suited for, read about those teams in the Host Team Manual. This explains in detail the vision, responsibilities and time commitment for each team.

3. Lastly, use the Volunteer Commitment Form to sign up for a team. Serving at LCF is a commitment, but one that is very rewarding. We ask for you to be responsible for your commitment, but you have the option to change teams after a 6 month period.

Especially with LifeKIDS, we will have rotations of teaching teams, so you will not miss the adult worship experiences every week. We hope to have a 2 week on, 4 week off schedule for LifeKIDS teams.

If you have specific questions about the Host of LifeKIDS teams please contact the team coordinators:

LifeKIDS Team
Mark and Chantelle Blakely -

Host Team
Rob and Nancy Gasbarro - or

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