Thursday, November 12, 2009

How can You Pray For Life Church Franklin?

There are lots of exciting things being processed and prayed through for Life Church Franklin with our elder team and other team leaders right now. So, I thought I'd share them with you so you can pray with us.

Here is a list of things to be praying specifically for in the coming weeks and months:
- Pray for our 11/12 year old worship experience on Sunday mornings. We are actively planning and praying about the best way to facilitate this age group on Sundays. We have several options and lots of great ideas. It's more organization and getting the volunteers together than anything. Pray for many to step up and lead and volunteer for these young people.

- Pray for our older youth. We are praying and seeking a passionate leader who can be relevant and lead our high school youth in our Switch ministry. Statistically, about 80% of youth who grow up in the church are walking away from their faith after high school. It's a scary figure, but one we can help change as we meaningfully and relevantly love and lead these youth to a fully devoted relationship with Christ.

-VOLUNTEERS....we do and will always need more volunteers. We don't want to be a spectator church. We don't want people sitting on the "sideline" watching everything happen. We want everyone to be involved and volunteering a small meaningful piece of that. If your not volunteering, pray for God to how you a place to plug in. If you are volunteering, pray for a chance to encourage someone else to do the same. I do have to give a hug shout out to all our volunteers we currently have. You guys are amazing!

- Pray for me and our elder team as we seek God's plans for the church. Pray that we will be bold with God's Word and do things no one is doing to reach people no one is reaching.

- Pray that God continues to bring more and more people for us to share the good news of Jesus Christ with many here in Franklin, NC and this area. There is a huge opportunity before and it's serious business. Lets not take it lightly. There are many people in this area looking for hope and truth, not religion. Lets pray for opportunities to share Jesus Christ with them and show them the grace, mercy and love found only in Christ.

I hope you will seriously join us in these prayers for the future of God's Church here in Franklin, NC.
These are exciting times!


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