Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What To Be Thankful For

This morning I was thinking of some of the specific things we have to be thankful for right now. Here's what I came up with.

Thankful for...

- Jesus
- every breath
- God's faithfulness
- opportunity...opportunity to share the Gospel with many that are far from God
- family
- real friends
- fake just means we can love them and point them to Jesus!
- thanksgiving day food
- partnership, that costs us nothing, is amazing!
- Life Church Franklin...what God has done in less than 2 years is crazy!

Ok, so the list could really go one forever. We each have so much to be thankful for. The fact that Christ died for you and forgives all your sin, shame and guilt is enough alone. Believe me, I am forever grateful!

Lastly, I just wanted to comment on what I am thankful for at LCF. This time last year we had 100 people meeting in an old transmission shop worshiping Jesus and building community together. It was awesome! Now we have over 300 people meeting at the SMCFPA and the Fun Factory every week. People are finding Christ, allowing God to change them and even building more community. It's even more awesome! I say all this because I am so thankful for what God has done through our church. I am thankful for all the "Lifers" out there who are connecting with each other, loving and serving together.
I am also thankful that greater things are still to come. The fields are full and we are the workers to bring God's harvest of souls to know the grace, mercy and love of Jesus.
I am thankful for what He's done so far, but I am even more thankful that there is more work to be done and we are the ones called to do it!

Thanks be to God, who always causes us to triumph in His name. Thanks be to God!


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