Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Keeping Church Simple

I recently went into an Apple computer store in a mall. I was amazed at the simplicity of it. No flashing sales signs or annoying pictures. It was very clear and simple. It was easy to find what I needed and explore other products.

So what in world does this mean to you. I think it's a perfect example of what the local church can learn about reaching more people with the Gospel of Jesus. The message of Jesus is not all that complicated. It's about his death and resurrection and the salvation and new life we find in a personal relationship with him. It's about changing our lives to live in the grace and mercy he freely offers so we live not as the world but in a way to glorify God and bring him praise.

It really is a simple message. My prayer is that we make the message of Jesus that simple every week at Life Church and that this becomes your desire as well. WE can't save anyone. We can't change anyone...but God can. We have to never grow tired of helping those seeking God find the simple message and truth of Jesus Christ. Life Church exists to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. That's it. Nothing else. No hidden agenda. No plan to busy people with programs and "stuff". More and more of Jesus through worship and Life Groups.

I hope this is your heart and vision for the local church through Life Church. Let's make Jesus famous. If nothing else, keep it simple so people can see the truth found in Scripture and God can bring amazing life changes to those around us.

It's a simple message that brings major change and new life!

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