Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Do You Have Regrets?
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday reflections...
That's a tough one. By nature I am selfish. I think we all are in some ways. It's hard not to ask for what we deem as important. Sitting here I am reminded that how much money I make, the house I have, the clothes I wear are not really all that important to God..if at all. What's important are His things. His work. His truth and love. It's all these things and how they are poured into and out of my life. God's priorities are the eternal things.
I will be praying this simple pray this week:
"…your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." - Matt. 6:10
Maybe this is the same prayer you need to pray?
By the way...
Happy New Year!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday thoughts...
What matters to God when you pray?
-Your relationship matters
-Your motives matter
-The way you live your life matters
-Your faith matters
-God's will matters
-You must have an honest relationship with God through Christ.
"We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will." John 9:31
-I was encouraged to see more and more hands raised in committing to an ongoing, meaningful pray life with God.
-We have to continue to PUSH...Pray Util Something Happens
-Pray and God's word are the food we need to thrive and grow in this Christian faith. Without these 2 things we are not getting the nutrients we need.
-Merry Christmas to everyone. There are no Life Groups for the remainder of 2008.
-See you Sunday!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Jesus is Christmas...Christmas is All About Jesus
Monday, December 15, 2008
The older I have gotten the more I realize how much God wants me to know Him and have a deep relationship with Him. The only way to have a meaningful relationship with someone is to talk to them. That's what prayer is. It's about talking to God through your day and moments. Worshiping Him, thanking Him, asking Him, repenting to Him, seeking Him, finding Him, etc...
Lets not look at prayer as a chore. It's not about a right and wrong way to do it. the bottom line is just do it. Do it often.
This is a great reminder for me in my prayers:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6
Monday, December 8, 2008
Do You Hear God's Whispers In Your Life?
If you haven't watched the message please do so. It's worth it.
After watching the message I realized how often God had whispered to me and Laurel, especially in the last year with Life Church Franklin.
Here is the deal though...just because your not a pastor or super spiritual (I am not) doesn't mean God will not speak to you. Most of the time we just need to shut up long enough to hear His voice.
My prayer this week is for you to listen and hear god whispering to you what plans He has for you.
Reaching out to a neighbor...calling an old friend...forgiving an old generously to someone in need...etc...
Don't tune in the world so loud that you tune out God's whispers in your life.
Be blessed.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thoughts from Sunday
God wants us to seek Him. To look for Him in everything. To ask Him for direction. He wants more than words.
I am a communicator. That's the way God made me. I am good with that, but I realize more and more everyday that empty words are just that...empty words. He wants our words to be full of His life, truth, love and glory.
So I ask you today. Do you really know Him. Ask Him for more of Him in your life. Ope your eyes and heart and see Him at work around you and in you.
He wants more than the occasional word or profession of faith. He wants you to know Him.
Friday, November 28, 2008
What I Am Thankful For...
- My family and my Life Church Franklin family
- Seeing God use people like me and others to make Jesus famous. It's humbling.
- Great worship music that sings of God's awesomeness, forgiveness and hand at work in our lives
- Turkey
- Being able to give back to others in many different ways.
- Awesome mentors and friends who encourage me and challenge me.
- The book of James. Awesome stuff there.
There is so much more. I just wanted to say here publicly that I am so thankful for my family, the Life Church leadership team, and each partner at Life Church Franklin who makes it a great church and that get excited about sharing the message of love, hope and forgiveness through Jesus.
I am thankful
Monday, November 24, 2008
Is it God or money for me?
Craig included this word from the Bible:
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Luke 12:34
He went on to say that when you fall in love with Jesus:
I think God is so tired of our empty words. He wants me and you to be generous. He wants us not worrying about money 24/7, but how we are going to increase His kingdom.
I hope you were affected by this message. I know me and my family were.
Happy Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankful for.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Ruin Me God
It goes on and on. When I talk about being ruined it so a good thing. God is tearing down walls and showing us the world we thought we had (money, houses, realtionships, etc...) is not what it's all about. It's about knowing the God that created you and His son Jesus that died and living your life in appreciation and whole hearted gratitude and admiration for it.
So are you ruined? Have you asked God to knock over your world and show you what He truly has for you? That's my prayer for you and me this week.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Directions to Blakey Life Group
Coming from town on Highway 28 North turn on Windy Gap church road and go ~ 3/4 of a mile to Sapphire Lane ( 2 brick pillars mark the entrance). Take a left on to Sapphire Lane and follow the road for 1 mile and the house will be on the left 1086 Sapphire Lane. There is one fork in the road when you turn on to Sapphire Lane but just keep left and follow the road to our house.
Be sure to check the church calendar for Life Group weeks as we meet every other week!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Practical Atheist Week 2 Thoughts
How many of us have honestly thought or even said those words? I would say just about everyone has at some time or level of context. It's hard not too. I mean doesn't the world make it seem enticing to just rely on your money and things? The reality is that God offers so much more than this world could ever bring to the table. The problem is, are you going to ask, want, desire more and more of God everyday? Or, are you going to say you know, want and love Him but not really have your heart and soul set on Him? Here's what the scriptures say about this very thing:
The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
Isa. 29:13
God knows if you're just giving Him lip service or if your heart is really in it. If you heart desires for the things that have eternal value. You can't fool God. I can't fool God. He wants more of you than what you're giving. Are you going to step up and do it or just keep being comfortable where you're currently at?
Think about it. Pray about it. Take action.
Be blessed,
Monday, November 10, 2008
Are You Who You Say You Are?
Practical Atheist, our new series, began yesterday and boy was it good. I don't really know how you put it all into words but it was challenging and refreshing at the same time.
Here is what a practical atheist is:
Think about that for just a minute. Is that you? Do you believe in God for convenience? Is he your "Get out of hell free card"?
Speaking in more detail Craig was able to explain what it is to fear God in terms that just about any one could understand.
When you say "fear God" so many people take the negative. You imagine this big person standing over you ready to beat you if you act up (sin). But that's not God. Understanding and knowing to fear God is a real understanding and appreciation of how big and great God really is.
Here's what Craig spoke and said you will do when you fear God:
-YOU’LL BE FOREVER RUINED (in a good way).
So do you fear the Lord, the awesome God that created you and me? Do you serve Him wholeheartedly? Are you ruined for Him, for His plans, for his will in your life?
It's time to stop being a practical atheist and serve God and know that He loves you to much for you to just get by.
(PS: God ruined me yesterday. No more convenience for me. It all or nothing.)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Election Blues?
Monday, November 3, 2008
Called To Disciple
Here's what Jesus said:
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…"
Matthew 28:19-20
So, how are you going to disciple someone today? At work, school, the gym and especially in your own home. Think about it, pray about it and do it.
Be blessed.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Called to Serve
It's not just about the impact of pastors and leaders, it's about each of you committing to serving God at the place your at. Man, he has such big things for you if you can be faithful to Him and see everyday through and know He will use use to lead, bless and point others to Christ Jesus!
I think everyone was really encouraged by Steven Furtick's message. I would encourage you to visit his church's website and view more of his messages during the week. He is a truly gifted speaker and really puts God's word into thought provoking and challenging terms.
Have a great week!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Serving and Generosity
Yesterday we announced at Life Church Franklin some different ways that you can give back, serve, be generous.
Our local food bank, Carnet, is in desperate need of food. Their shelves are barren and empty. With the current state of the economy more people than ever need help. As Christ followers this is a chance for the God's church to shine. We should be on the forefront of reaching out and generous...serving.
We will be collecting items at the church building (can food and non-perishables) in addition to items for Samaritans Purses Operation Christmas Child.
There are some other ways to be generous as well. I will list them below and tell you how to help.
This is it. This is just one of many opportunities for God's people to rise up and say we will be generous with what God has given me and my family. Please pray about this but also take action. It's time to get out of our chairs and be moved/called into action.
Here's how you can help:
- Carenet - Bring canned foods and non-perishables the next few Sundays. We want tons of stuff!
- Operation Christmas Child - Bring items to the church to be packed into shoeboxes. We will have a night at the church where you can come and pack the boxes and wrap them. Right now just bring the items to be placed inside. Here is a list of items you can bring. Click here and scroll down to Gift Ideas.
- MPP - Tree of Warm. Bring new hats and mittens for children who need these items right here in Franklin. These will be distributed through Macon Program for Progress.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday reflections from Kaleo series - week 1
1 Peter 2:21 says: “To this you were called, because Chris suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.”
News flash to you and me...we are to be compelled to compassion for others just as Jesus was in His time on earth. He didn't care what people looked like, dressed like, smelled like, etc... He was moved to show love to them and let them know He cared. God cared for them and loved them. Fact is, He loves you and me and we need tons of love and His compassion too.
Folks, we have got to be Christ's body. We can't keep picking and choosing who we want to invite to church or tell about God. We can't turn around and not help someone because they aren't high up on the social scale.
Someone around you is hurting right now. They need love, support, compassion. Get compelled to show compassion, not because I said it, but because Christ showed us compassion first.
Compassion is not convenient and costs us something, but it does change lives!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Kaleo - Week 1
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Gospel
Franklin had a great reminder for Christians, especially when it comes to sharing Christ. He reminded us that there is power in the Gospel of Jesus. Its not us. It is through the power of the Gospel that people hear and respond to Jesus as their saviour. It's not about us. Its not about how we are or think we might be. Its about the power of the Gospel. If we share it people will respond through the power of God and His word.
So, let's go share the Gospel. Trust that God will work through you as you share it and remember He will do the work and saving.
Be encouraged.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Too Busy and Baby Shower...Sort of...
Being too busy is just not good. It's not productive. To me it's more about quality over quantity. That's easier said than done, but it's true. For those of you with a family and kids it's even tougher. My family runs from practice to practice. We have had to give things up...sacrifice, so that our kids and us could have quality time together and focus on eternal things...God things. It's not easy. It takes planning and effort to not be busy. Read Matthew 11:28-30 and let it sink in. Are you trusting this word from God? Really, are you?
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30
Baby Shower...Sort Of.
We are having a nursery/baby shower for the new church building this Thursday night from 6:30 to 7:30pm. It will be at the church buulding (398 Depot Street, Franklin, NC) We have registered at Wal-Mart different items we need for the childrens/nursery ministry. Just go tot Wal-Mart and ask for the "Life Church" registery. It will give you all the items we are in need of for this new building. I encourage you to go and see if there is something you can buy and donate. It's a small way to be able to give something to the church beyond your regular tithe. It's a very tangible way to express your support for God's work through Life Church Franklin.
Please drop in thie Thursday evening at the new building. We will also spend some time praying for specific items for our community and church. Hope to see you there.
View Week 3 of You Don't Have What It Takes.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Are You A People Pleaser?
Sunday Craig challenged us to not be people pleasers but rather live to please God. Easy enough, right? It should be, but it sure is tough. I think we all want to please others around us, but our goal should be to live in line with what God wants.
I know I struggle with this like many of you. Its hard to not try and be one. But so many times I have done things to please people that I know God would have me not do or do differently.
Its not easy to live for God. Its not easy to walk away from moment that are just to please others.
So, are you living to please people or please the God that sustains and gives you all will ever need.
We serve an awesome God. Let's live to please him today and not others.
Keep making Jesus famous. He is worth everything.
Monday, September 15, 2008
You Don't Have What It Takes
It's not the words you envision telling people everyday. "Hey Joe, you have what it takes!". That's very PC, now is it?
Anyhow, yesterday Craig started with the first week saying "you're not good enough". Again, not the words you really want to hear from someone. I think we all want to believe we are good enough. Good enough at being a friend, a co-worker a parent. What Craig went on to say was that we are not good enough to work our way to God. We are not good enough to do enough good works to make it to heaven. Flat out, we are not good enough for God as we are before knowing Christ. Through Christ we are made new and redeemed in God's eyes to be good enough for eternal life with Him. That's awesome.
I know I am thrilled to know I don't have to try and be a good person to make it to heaven. Of course, I life with Christ will bear fruits of good things, but that's becuase Jesus has saved us.
I hope you are set free today from believing you have to be good enough for God. Let go of set in God's grace and know that you are only good enough because of Jesus' gift of salvation.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Four Questions Every Church Should Wrestle With
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
Read Perry's blog post here. It is well worth reading, thinking and praying about for us at Life Church.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Do We Have "it"?
What is "it"?
First, I am referring to Sunday's message from Pastor Craig Groshel entitled "It". It was a great message. It spoke directly to the local church. Basically, the question is: "How can churches get "it and keep "it"?"
There is no cut and dry answer and "it" is really something we could talk about forever ( I promise not to on this post!). I believe in addition to God's Holy Spirit guiding and directing us, we are building a strong sense of commmunity at Life Church Franklin. We are building relationships centered around Christ, not around a Bible study or choir. (I have nothing against Bible study and choirs. Those were just the first 2 things I thought of.) But, seriously, it's about Jesus. It's about leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Many people are lost and dying with the hope and knowledge of Jesus as their Savior. That should be what's important. Not what new "thing" we can build or program we can start at church.
Folks, my heart it to see a local church so passionate about sharing Christ that we barely spend time in the four walls of our church building. I believe God is asking more of us than to keep feeding ourselves all the time.
We have to keep breaking free of our consumer Christian ideas and mentality and find ways to speak and show God's love and truth to others around us who don't know Him.
As an active partner with Life Church Franklin I hope this is your heart and the thought of leading more people to know Christ in a real, intimate way excites you and keeps you motivated.
So, do you have "It"?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
One Way To God?
The last question Craig answered was "Is there different ways to heaven?". Basically, are there mulitple ways to God/heaven? The answer was emphatically, "NO!". There is only one way to God. There is only one way to heaven. It's through our savior Jesus that a way to the Father has been made. Here is what Jesus said:
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6
So if we call ourselves followers of Christ then we have to believe this. We cannot sway from this truth or it waters down who Jesus is. If we believe God's Word as His people, we have to believe that Jesus is the only way. There is no other way.
In mainstream media and in the world this view is not a popualr becuase Satan wants to trick you to believe that people that beleive something else or are "good people" will go to heaven too. It's justy not true.
I challenge you to read God's Word and see where He continually repeats that there is ONE WAY to Him...and that is through Jesus Christ.
So is there just one way to God? Yes. His name is Jesus.
Have a great week.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Load Up The Car On Sundays
Please read the whole post from Perry's blog and be challenged and encouraged.
“If you REALLY believe in the saving power of Jesus Christ then why in the world would you show up at church every single Sunday without a carload of people who need Him?”
Monday, August 25, 2008
I remember at times thinking of heaven as something from a cartoon. White robe, gold gates, people with halos over their head floating around...You know what I mean. But man, heaven is so much more than that. In heaven we will worship and dwell with our God. The one who is over all the heavens and the earth. It's not like seeing a celebrity and being awestruck for a few moments. We will worship God and be with him forever and it will never get old and it will never be boring. It will be awesome. It's hard to truly put my mind around, but I just know that as good as I can imagine it will only get better.
Mercy Me says it pretty good in their song "I Can Only Imagine":
I can only imagine what it will be like, when I walk by Your side...I can only imagine, what my eyes will see, when Your Face is before me!I can only imagine. I can only imagine.
Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel?Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still?Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall?Will I sing 'Hallelujah!'? Will I be able to speak at all?I can only imagine! I can only imagine!
I can only imagine, when that day comes, when I find myself standing in the Son!I can only imagine, when all I will do, is forever, forever worship You!I can only imagine! I can only imagine!
Remember God's promise to us who are made righteous through Jesus:
2 Peter 3:13 (The Message)
11-13Since everything here today might well be gone tomorrow, do you see how essential it is to live a holy life? Daily expect the Day of God, eager for its arrival. The galaxies will burn up and the elements melt down that day—but we'll hardly notice. We'll be looking the other way, ready for the promised new heavens and the promised new earth, all landscaped with righteousness.
Friday, August 22, 2008
"Why Can't I See God?"
Click here to read it.
I great respect for Perry. He is a leader who truly loves God and wants to lead people to know Christ in a meaning way.
Monday, August 18, 2008
I was convisted to pray for family and friends who don't know Jesus and don't know about the awesome heaven God has for His people. My heart also breaks to think of those who don't know Jesus and will spend enternity in isolation away from God.
I am praying that you become passionate about sharing your faith through your words and deeds. Tomorrow may be to late. We must make Jesus famous and proclaim His love, truth and gift of salvation to as many people as we can.
I pray God gives you orpportunites to share Jesus even today.
watch this message from
Trying to make Him famous,
Monday, August 11, 2008
…He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
John 11:25-26
Week one of the “So You’re Dead…Now What?” series began yesterday. Craig spoke about death. The statement that seems to stick with me was: “WHAT YOU BELIEVE ABOUT DEATH AND ETERNITY WILL DETERMINE HOW YOU LIVE.”
Just think about that for a second. Makes a lot of sense. Think about the way you are living your life today. At this moment, you are living your life based on what you believe about death and eternity.
I pray that if you know Christ that you will live your life full of joy and gladness because we have so much to live for.
If you live your life in fear of death because you have no hope and faith of eternal life with Jesus then I pray you find that hope. All it takes is a simple prayer to ask Christ to become the center of your life and then living your life to honor and glorifying His name.
The reality is that Scripture is very clear. There are no alternative ways to heaven. There is One Way. His name is Jesus. He has made a way between us and God. If we are judged by works only, we are so going to fall short. It’s by His grace and mercy that we can know Christ, be in relationship with Him and one day be with Him forever in heaven.
So, what do you believe about death and eternity? That’s how you are living your life today.
Monday, August 4, 2008
So You're Dead...Now What?
Starting this Sunday (8/10/08) we are beginning a series called “So You’re Dead…Now What?”. Kind of a blunt statement and question for a series title, but I love the thought of exploring this and seeing what God’s word says about the issue.
We will talk about questions like: What happens moments after we die? What is Heaven really like? What about Hell? And does what we do in this world really matter in the next? I’d have to say that each of these are questions I have thought about at some time in my life. If you’re breathing you’ve probably thought about some or all of these.
Death of earthly bodies is inventible. We will all die one day. So, I think it’s just human nature to think about these questions. Thank God though for His grace and mercy and the gift of salvation. I mea really, it is a gift. We so don’t deserve it, but God loves us to much. He wants us to be secure in knowing that when we die in the physical body that if we are in relationship with Him and have accepted His gift of salvation through Jesus, this life won’t even compare to eternal life with Him in heaven.
Face is, there is a heaven and a hell. We need to live like it. We need to live here in earth to glorify and praise our awesome God who created the heaven and the earth. I hope you will join us for this series. If you want to view it online please keep up by going to the “Sundays” section of the website and click on “Current Series”.
Trying to make Jesus famous,
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Make Jesus Famous
I have been really hooked on the concept or saying of “Making Jesus Famous”. It’s really not an idea so much as a way of life. I want to point people back to Christ when they see something good in my life. Maybe they see how myself and Laurel walk through a tough time. We want to rely on God. We need to do it more. When God pulls us through those tough times I want to keep pointing to Him. Give Him the honor for it. It’s not me. I can’t do this on my own. Through those expereinces I want to point to Jesus and make Him famous.
Sunday mornings I want to make Him famous. Monday mornings I want to make Him famous. Every moment, every opprotunity I wan to make Him famous. Am I there yet? By no means! Do I want to be there. Oh, ya.
I hope that at Life Church Franklin or any church you may be a part of that you are passionate about making Jesus famous to everyone around you. It’s through your who life that we can do this. Don’t speak empty words. Speak from your heart and with the sensitivity of the Holy Spirit. Do it through your actions and deeds for family, friends and people you don’t even know.
How are you going to make Jesus famous today, tomorrow and so on?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
What Is Life Church Franklin?
Since We are just roughly 6 months old now it is becoming a question myself and others are hearing more and more. That's a good thing. To me it means people are interested.
First, our number one goal and mission at Life Church Franklin is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. We want to see people's lives changes, renewed and restored through the amazing grace and mercy of God.
We are passionate about being God's people beyond the four walls of a building. We want to share Jesus' love in our family and community by our thoughts, words and deeds. It's time to take Jesus outside of the four walls of physical church buildings and bring Him in our everyday lives. Ever breathe, every move...Jesus.
It not complicated. It's not about how many programs and ministries we can start. It's about equipping and encouraging believers, share Christ with those that don't know Him and making Jesus famous in Franklin, NC and around the world!