Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
You Version - Online Bible
As the world becomes more technologically driven and our world works and communicates through the web, I wanted you to know that the Gospel is being advanced using this technology.
As a Network church of we have been able to see first hand how is using technology to spread God's Word. A new online Bible community has been created for you and anyone else! This amazing free resource is called You Yersion. At You Version you can read different versions of the Bible, contribute thoughts and so much more. There is even a free moblie app for your Blackberry or iPhone as well! Its what I am using more and more to read the Word. I recommend you check it out today!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Amazed At What God Is Doing
Last week I had the distinct pleasure of spending 3 days in
Recently, was named the 2nd largest church in
As I spent some time with the staff I was just amazed at how interested they were in what was happening here in
Each time one of them would say something or express amazement I kind of laughed to myself. I kept thinking, “You guys have 26,000 people coming to 13 campus and we have 300 people… total! Why are you amazed?”. But, it struck me the last day; this is the same thing I do when I hear of a new church plant that is thriving or a church that is coming back to life after slowing dying. I am amazed. It doesn’t matter the context of how big or small it seems to us, we should all stand in amazement and gratitude when God moves in a great way. There’s no jealousy or flippant attitude that it’s just luck. This is God at work in His church for His glory.
So, just as I stand amazed at what God is doing at and Life Church Franklin, I am in amazement at his faithfulness to my friend planting a church this month in north
Monday, September 28, 2009
Maybe I Should Be Gone More?
Yesterday was an incredible worship experience for Life Church Franklin and I was there for it. I had planned a trip months ago for this weekend and I am glad I went. I needed a little break to refresh myself and on top of that, it gave the LCF volunteers another chance to shine! I seriously love each and ever person that is giving back, pouring out and sharing love through their serving and volunteering. It is just flat out amazing. On top of everything, we had one of the highest attendances in the short history of LCF with over 350 people! That is just crazy!
I am thinking I should be gone on Sundays more often…I’m kidding of course, but I think it proves a couple of points:
- God doesn’t need anyone specific one of us to do His work, but He is glad to use us for it and we should be honored to do so.
- I am reminded once again, and gratefully so, that this in not
- God is continuing to do amazing, mind blowing, heart changing, impact making, life saving things through LCF. People are coming back to Him, others are accepting Christ for the first time, people are being discipled and lives are changing by God’s Word, power and love.
These are exciting times for us at LCF and I am praying and begging God to keep bringing more of it. I hope you will join me in that same prayer.
Whatever you want, that’s what we want. Whatever you bring, that’s what we want. Whatever you do, we will praise and worship you for it. Have your way with us and LCF.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
How To Lose Your Faith
Monday, September 21, 2009
As those distractions came yesterday I was reminded of the second half of that verse from John 10. Jesus continues on to say “….I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
There’s always going to be distractions in our lives to try and frustrate us and take our eyes of Jesus, but we must stop and refocus our hearts and eyes on Him and use the distractions as reminders that God is going to be faithful and many times blow us away with what He can and will do in and around us.
So, see through the distractions this week. Use them as an opportunity not to get frustrated, but to refocus your heart, eyes and mind on Him who came to bring you life and life to the fullest!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday Reflections
- I have to give a shout out to all the volunteers who make LifeKIDS happen. LifeKIDS is LCF. Let me repeat that...LifeKIDS is LCF. We don't look at our kids ministry as secondary. They are the church. God is teaching these young kids so much about who He is through this ministry and to make it happen we have awesome volunteers. If you have a child in LifeKIDS, it's time for you to find a place to serve as well. We need your help. These volunteers are pouring into your kids lives and you can easily do they same. It doesn't take a Bible scholar to do this and believe me, you'll get as much out of it as the kids will...if not more!
- Yesterday's message was amazing. It was raw and in your face. It was a great reminder for all of us how adultery takes place in marriages. I know no one plans on it committing adultery, but it happens all the time and even in the church! It makes me so sad to see it and just like you I have to keep my guard up. Guys, keep your eyes and hearts pure! Its tough with all the junk around us, but we have to do it. For both you and your spouse...don't give up. Fight for each other! God before God. Beg him to restore your marriage.
- I hope you will take time to invite someone to LCF this week. I am meeting tons of new people every week which is so exciting!
- Make plans to get plugged into a Life Group. It's not to late. Go to the church website or visit Guest Services this Sunday and find out how!
Have a great week!
In His Grip,
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Why Life Groups?
With the large amount of growth we have seen at Life Church Franklin in the last month I think its vital that everyone understands what our Life Groups are all about.
At LCF we have a dicipleship process called “Connect, Grow, Serve” that applies to everything we do. We CONNECT on Sunday mornings corporately through our worship expereiences. We GROW in our Life Group (small groups). We SERVE the world. It’s really pretty simple. We want you to do these 3 things not so we can get your through this cool process we made up, but so we can encourage you to grow closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and learn to serve the world around you.
At LCF we don’t do the traditional Sunday School or lots of other ministries. Outside of Sundays we focus on our Life Groups to plug you into a group of people that you can learn and grow in your faith with. This isn’t some intense Bible study. It’s not an intense accountability group. It’s a safe, comfortable place where you can go to meet others in the church and read, discuss and learn more about God. There’s no right on wrong place to be spiritually. Just come as you are. Find a group. Try one out. There are different times and places.
We don’t want you to get lost in the shuffle of life. We want to see you plug into a Life Group to learn from others and to encourage others. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next candidate to lead a Life Group?
Sign up this Sunday at Guest Services!
For more information about Life Group times, dates and locations read yesterday’s blog post.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Life Groups
Life Groups are small groups of people who meet regularly in order to make a difference in the community, develop friendships with each other, and challenge each other to be more like Christ. Life Groups meet in homes, coffee shops, parks, libraries, or wherever there's room!The bottom line is this: Life Groups are about living the way Jesus lived, not just talking about it. If you're not in one, you're missing out!
Life Groups will kick off a new study starting the week of September 13th. Starting Point, by Andy Stanley, is an exploration of the Bible’s grand story and where you fit into the narrative. Come as you are and build relationships with others as you embark on this journey. Welcome to the adventure of finding out how the story started … where it’s going … and how you can find your place in it.Please choose one of the Life Group options that would best fit your schedule, fill out the contact information below that group listing on this form and drop it at the guest services table in the lobby today. Life Group leaders will also be available to talk with you and answer any questions. The Starting Point books with audio CD’s are available at Guest Services for $15 each. Please pay by cash or check. Make checks payable to Life Church Franklin. Each Life Groups member will need a Starting Points book.
For complete info on times, places and more for each Life Group click here.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Stop Acting Like A Christian. Be One. - Week 1 Excerpt
Friday, September 4, 2009
Finding Your Calling
I read this amazing blog post today from Perry Noble at
Monday, August 31, 2009
Week 2 at our new location
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Elevation Worship - "Give Me Faith"
In addition to having an amazing teaching pastor (Furtick), who we hear teaching from during One Prayer, but they also have some amazing worship leaders who are writing and recording amazing new worship songs. I found this video this morning and was overcome by the raw, simplicity of it. It is called "Give Me Faith". What a great cry for us all as we chase after God. I hope you enjoy it.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Reflections on Sunday
This Sunday was our first at the
It was exciting to see many new faces, but most of all, it was so awesome to see what God was doing. I believe God is positioning us for an opprotunity to see more people come to know Jesus than any time in recent memory here in
So what’s next….
We have got to stay passionate about our personal growth with God. We have to stay in his Word and beg for Him to move and do amazing things in and through us. My prayer is that we never become satisfied with where we are at. There is always more of him that we can chase after. So here are a few random things for you to consider and pray about this week and then put into action:
· Don’t ever get tired of inviting someone to church…you just never know. We had people come this week that had been invted to LCF for months. Sunday was their first time and they loved it! It’s not up to you to make their mind up for them, but it is up to you to invite them.
· If you are not signed up to volunteer and serve on Sundays, you are missing out. I want to give a huge shout out to all the LCF volunteers for their hard work this Sunday. It was awesome. YOU are the church. The only way to really BE the church is to serve others. So, stop by Guest Service this week and sign up for something. Serve in LifeKIDs or helping with clean-up. I promise it will be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do! Just think, you will be helping to lead and encourage an environment where others can learn to become fully devoted followers of Christ!
· Come early on Sundays. We really need people to come by 9:30am to fellowship and get settled in. As we add more people on Sundays it gets harder to seat people right at 10am…and we will be staring at 10am each morning.
· Start gearing up to join a Life Group. Groups meet at different places during the week and are the perfect place to grow more intimate with others and most importantly in your faith. If you don’t plug into one, you will be missing out.
Thanks for being a part of Life Church Franklin! If you are reading this and haven’t made it yet, well there’s a seat for you. Relevant teaching…Modern Worship…Casual Dress.
In His Grip,
P.S. – I will be posting pictures from Sunday later this week!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Almost time
So, no matter what happens tomorrow with LCF's big day at our new location, God is still holy, awesome, all-powerful, all-knowing, beautiful, perfect, worthy, amazing and great.
See you in a couple hours. Hope I can sleep!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
New Location This Sunday!
This Sunday Life Church Franklin will begin meeting at the
Here's a few things to keep in mind for this Sunday:
- Come early! Worship and LifeKIDS starts at 10am sharp. We don't want you to miss a thing, so come early. We encourage everyone to be there by 9:30am to get seats
- LifeKIDS check-in....If you have children ages 2yr old to 5th grade please go the Fun Factory first to check in your child. You and your child will receive corresponding labels to wear all morning. This will allow us to match you up with your child and ensure the highest level of safety and security. You must have your label to pick up your child. No exceptions!
- Invite someone! We have plenty of space for guests. Take time to today to invite someone.
We hope you will be praying for everything happening at Life Church Franklin. Pray for God to begin and do amazing things in your heart and the hearts of the those who come to
See you Sunday!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Less Than One Week....

It's less than one week till Life Church Franklin begins meeting at the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts and the Fun Factory for our adult and LifeKIDS worship experiences.
Find out more at the website and we hope to see you there!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Who do you know?
The only way to grow in our faith and have an opportunity to build real, meaningful community is to interact and build relationships together. This is huge. All the programs and “stuff” in the world won’t replace these things. If there are not meaningful relationships being build with other families and new friends it will all fall apart and get stagnant.
So, I ask you, who do you know? I mean, who at Life Church Franklin do really know outside of you and your family? Have you taken time to meet and introduce yourself to others? Have you invited someone over for dinner? Meet someone for lunch? Taken other families to the park together?
At LCF we strive to create atmospheres (worship experiences and Life Groups) where people can worship, laugh, cry and learn together in corporate and small group settings, but this only goes so far. We all need intimate relationships with other believers. But for that to happen you have to do something about it. You have to introduce yourself to someone. Take time to meet for lunch or dinner. Make that phone call to set up a walk on the Greenway.
If your already do this, great! If you’re not, I encourage to start this week!
So, who do you know?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Church is not about a building
Yesterday I shared a little bit about the vision for Life Church Franklin’s move to our new portable location. On August 23rd we will begin meeting at the
Here’s the point…Since starting Life Church Franklin last year with 9 people we have see weekly attendance grow to over 150 or more. At our current location we have completely run out of room for our kids and adult worship experiences. We have seen almost 20 people give their lives to Christ and we have baptized many people too. Our community Life Groups continue to grow and discipleship groups are sprouting up or being planned as I write. All this is said because, well, it’s not about stuff. It’s not about me. It’s not about a building. It’s about the fact that God is doing His work through
So, that’s why it’s not about a building.
This is what it’s all about:
Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35
This is our message. Not that we have a great big, cool building (and it is big and very cool), but that the hope and salvation for the world is found in Jesus Christ. Let’s take that to the streets!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
You're Never Ready For Everything
The one thing I have learned in this short time of planting Life Church Franklin is that you are never fully prepared or ready for everything that might come. Things will come out of left field and catch you off guard or some problem will arise that you didn't expect. The biggest thing is how do you and I respond to it?
I think this totally relates to a life in chasing after God. It's not a safe planned out path. I mean, if you would have told 5 years ago that we would plant a church in Franklin, I would have just laughed. It seems the most excitement in our journeys with God are the things that just come up. Those moments where God lays something in your lap and says "Here you go". So how do we respond in those moments. Do we freak out and say no way since we aren't prepared? Or do we run with the God given dream, vision, plan God has given?
I am not saying preparation is wrong or a bad thing. I think its a smart thing to do, but when God "pops" something on us its up to us to respond and trust him.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Family Time
I am grateful to be serving and leading a church that understands and values these times in my personal life. When Laurel and I saw that God was growing and moving in BIG ways at LCF we committed to never allowing the church to become more important than our family. Our first ministry is and ALWAYS will be our family.
1 Timothy 3: 4-5 says of church leaders: "He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect.(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?)"
So, if I can't effectively take care of and lead my family I don't believe God will honor my work leading LCF. That's why no matter where this journey of leading LCF takes me and my family, they will always be my top priority right behind chasing God's heart.
I also find that the times I get away from Franklin, LCF and the busyness of life, I find more time to reflect on how awesome God's work is and He reveals more passion and excitement for whats to come.
I continue to commit to work hard, pray hard and chase hard after the heart of God for me and His Church....and always know that my family is included right here with that.
LCF, Thanks for being such an amazing church that is passionate about being Jesus hands and feet and expressing his love to this world. I am truly honored to be a part of this! Thank you Jesus!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Re-Launch Meeting Recap
We had a great turnout and many people went ahead and signed up for the serving opportunities that they were best suited for. Serving through the local church is a huge opportunity to use your gifts to help encourage believers and lead other to Jesus.
We want to create a comfortable, inviting environment to share a very dangerous, life changing message of hope, truth, love and salvation found in Christ.
If you are plugged in to Life Church or looking to get more plugged in we want you to serve. We want you to use your gifts and talents to lead others to Christ. The following steps will help you find your fit, explain the serving opportunities and give you the form to sign up.
1. Read "Find Your Fit". This document will help you identify the serving team(s) you will be suited for according to your gifts, talents and personality.
2. After identifying the team(s) you are best suited for, read about those teams in the Host Team Manual. This explains in detail the vision, responsibilities and time commitment for each team.
3. Lastly, use the Volunteer Commitment Form to sign up for a team. Serving at LCF is a commitment, but one that is very rewarding. We ask for you to be responsible for your commitment, but you have the option to change teams after a 6 month period.
Especially with LifeKIDS, we will have rotations of teaching teams, so you will not miss the adult worship experiences every week. We hope to have a 2 week on, 4 week off schedule for LifeKIDS teams.
If you have specific questions about the Host of LifeKIDS teams please contact the team coordinators:
LifeKIDS Team
Mark and Chantelle Blakely -
Host Team
Rob and Nancy Gasbarro - or
Monday, July 6, 2009
Monday Morning Thoughts
- It looks like a lot of people were out of town this weekend with the 4th of July holiday. I hope everyone had a great time and was safe.
- I have to say that Lifers are very generous people. The consistent tithes and offerings at Life Church Franklin are amazing. These financial resources are and will continue to allow us to encourage, equip and lead people people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Thanks!
- I can't help but think that the best of what God is going to do at LCF is yet to come. I pray and beg God that He uses Life Church to lead many people to salvation and life change through Jesus. If that prayer is your too, I encourage you to pray and see how God moves.
- I am so encouraged by the community I see at LCF. People are building relationships with people! Wow, what concept. This life is not meant to be lived alone. God wants us to commune with each other and our community to encourage believers and lead other to Him. As LCF grows it is so important you get plugged into a Life Group and serve. WE don't want anyone to get lost in the find a group, makes some new finds, invite a new person over for dinner, connect with someone at LCF and build a new relationship.
- Don't forget the Launch Team Church Meeting this Sunday immediately after the worship expereince! Free lunch and childcare will be provided. Find your fit and plug into serving at LCF as we move to the SMCFTPA and The Factory!
Have a great week!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
What is a Network Church?
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Why I Love 's Network gives us free access to all their teaching resources (messages, graphics, small groups curriculum, etc...) and we are able to stay totally autonomous. We have our own leadership, finances, etc... It allows us to have relevant, life changing Gospel teaching from very gifted communicators, without the burden of a having a qualified teaching pastor on staff. Living in a rural area and finding highly gifted gospel communicators can be difficult and quite a burden. Being a Network church, this is no longer an issue.
This allows us more time to concentrate on building relationships and community that will positively affect the Franklin area and lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
I am very grateful to and their staff for this resource and how they have poured into and prayed for Life Church Franklin, even though they don't really have to. Without their efforts there would be no Life Church Franklin. The teaching was the biggest obstacle when planning for starting a church in Franklin.
It's all about building God's Church, not their church.
That's why I love's Network.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday Morning Reflection
Anyways, here's just some random thoughts I have this morning thinking about on yesterday and what's to come at Life Church Franklin:
- Yesterday's message was so perfect for Father's Day. Simply put: God is Father. I hope you cling to this and remember he is your father. He is patient and loving and always waiting with open arms for you.
- This Sunday we are having our 3rd Baptism Bash of the year! Amazing! I hope you are there to celebrate along with us.
- Things are moving very quickly in relation to our move to the Smoky Mountain Center for Performing Arts and The Factory. Don't forget we will have a church lunch meeting immediately after worship on Sunday, July 12th to share the vision of the move and opportunities for you to serve.
- We need everyone to find a place to serve. We have an incredible opportunity to turn this community upside down with the life saving message of Jesus, but we can only do it with your help. It doesn't take a ton of time or lots of just takes a willingness to serve others.
- I just have to say that I really love everyone at Life Church Franklin. Many of us are different and I may not know every person personally, but I pray for you and want to see God use you in great ways. God's gifting and opportunities don't just get offered to pastors and leaders. YOU are the church. Be strong. Be proud of the father who lives inside of you and loves you. Use the opportunities God gives you this week to point people to Jesus.
- Be involved with our current series, One Prayer, online at . Join thousands of believers each day praying for the church and encouraging each other.
Have a great week Lifers! Don't forget...Greater things are yet to come, in this city!
Monday, June 15, 2009
What A Jouney So Far...
Friday, June 12, 2009
What's the move look like?

After announcing our future plans to make use of the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts and The Factory here in Franklin on Sunday mornings starting sometime in August many people have wondered what the facilities look like. So, here you go...
This is from the parking lot looking at the front of the arts center.

This is just after entering the front doors and looking to the right in the front lobby.

This is on stage looking towards the seating area. (I know. It's big, but lets pray we fill many of these seats with people searching for truth only found in God!)

Looking from the seating area towards the stage.

Looking from the parking lot towards The Factory where LifeKIDS will meet Sunday mornings for age appropriate worship experiences.

Just remember our goal is this move is simply to give us more room to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's not about a building.
I pray Life Church Franklin will be used to ignite a fire of life change through Jesus here in Franklin, western North Carolina and North Georgia!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
We're Moving
Here are some thoughts before I talk about the new facility we will be using starting in August:
- We (the leadership team) have been looking for another facility since the end of December.
- The building on Depot Street has been great for the last year. We out grew it much faster than we expected; and that's ok.
- Sometime in the next few months we will lose the store front just down from our building that has hosted the LifeKIDS/Johnny Rogers worship experience. The other non-profit that is sub-leasing that store front to us will be moving into it very soon. (BTW, we are very grateful to them for allowing us to use it at no cost!)
- With much prayer and consideration the leadership explored many buildings and facilities in the central Franklin city area. This decision was not made overnight.
So, where are we moving to? Starting at a to be determined Sunday in August we will begin using the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts and The Factory for our adult and LifeKIDS worship experiences. This is a amazing opportunity that we are very excited about.
Here's a few thoughts about this opportunity:
- First and foremost, this is not about a building. This is about using a facility that will allow Life Church Franklin to reach more people with the Gospel message of hope, love, faith and salvation through Jesus Christ. We remain committed to our mission of leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
- The expense of using the arts center and The Factory is mush more economical than purchasing, or renovating a facility large enough for us to grow. This facility also gives us an abundant room for growth.
- Is this to much space? Right now, maybe. In the future, hopefully not. The reality is that there are 1,000's of people right here in Franklin that need to here the saving message of Jesus and let God transform there hearts and minds. If using this facility allows that to happen, than lets do it!
- There's a lot to be done between now and August, but I know we can do it...And I mean WE. We have to be in this together. Myself and a few people can't pull this off alone. We have to have great participation for each of you. I will be sharing more about this in the coming weeks. It's not about burning you out, but giving you an opportunity that fits your gifts to encourage others growing in or seeking Jesus.
- With the move to this facility we will become a "portable church". This somewhat foreign to our area, but done very effectively with participation from the church. We will have to grow our LifeKIDS teams, Host teams, Setup teams, etc...
I will share more in the coming weeks. As I shared Sunday, please keep the negative thoughts to yourself. We are confident in this move and know that God has moved and guided us in very clear ways to make this opportunity possible.
Thank you for joining us in this journey. We are and will continue to impact this community all the while pointing everyone to Jesus! Let's make Him famous!
In His grace,
Weekly e-Update Email Signup
We're Moving!
Here are some thoughts before I talk about the new facility we will be using starting in August:
- We (the leadership team) have been looking for another facility since the end of December.
- The building on Depot Street has been great for the last year. We out grew it much faster than we expected; and that's ok.
- Sometime in the next few months we will lose the store front just down from our building that has hosted the LifeKIDS/Johnny Rogers worship experience. The other non-profit that is sub-leasing that store front to us will be moving into it very soon. (BTW, we are very grateful to them for allowing us to use it at no cost!)
- With much prayer and consideration the leadership explored many buildings and facilities in the central Franklin city area. This decision was not made overnight.
So, where are we moving to? Starting at a to be determined Sunday in August we will begin using the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts and The Factory for our adult and LifeKIDS worship experiences. This is a amazing opportunity that we are very excited about.
Here's a few thoughts about this opportunity:
- First and foremost, this is not about a building. This is about using a facility that will allow Life Church Franklin to reach more people with the Gospel message of hope, love, faith and salvation through Jesus Christ. We remain committed to our mission of leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
- The expense of using the arts center and The Factory is mush more economical than purchasing, or renovating a facility large enough for us to grow. This facility also gives us an abundant room for growth.
- Is this to much space? Right now, maybe. In the future, hopefully not. The reality is that there are 1,000's of people right here in Franklin that need to here the saving message of Jesus and let God transform there hearts and minds. If using this facility allows that to happen, than lets do it!
- There's a lot to be done between now and August, but I know we can do it...And I mean WE. We have to be in this together. Myself and a few people can't pull this off alone. We have to have great participation for each of you. I will be sharing more about this in the coming weeks. It's not about burning you out, but giving you an opportunity that fits your gifts to encourage others growing in or seeking Jesus.
- With the move to this facility we will become a "portable church". This somewhat foreign to our area, but done very effectively with participation from the church. We will have to grow our LifeKIDS teams, Host teams, Setup teams, etc...
I will share more in the coming weeks. As I shared Sunday, please keep the negative thoughts to yourself. We are confident in this move and know that God has moved and guided us in very clear ways to make this opportunity possible.
Thank you for joining us in this journey. We are and will continue to impact this community all the while pointing everyone to Jesus! Let's make Him famous!
In His grace,
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Our Response To God Saving Us
Last week Laurel and I and the family enjoyed a week long break on vacation. It was really refreshing to do much of nothing all week. Because I was so not busy, I had lots of time to think and pray. Nothing really struck me with great revelation until the drive back home. I was thinking about Ephesians 2:4.
The reality is that we have done nothing to deserve God's mercy or the gift of salvation. We have been "good" people. We haven't done something to justify being "good" enough to get to heaven. Scripture even says in Isaiah 64:6 that "All of us have become like one who is unclean,and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags...". So, even our greatest deeds we can try and do are not good enough.
God's standards are not ours. His goodness is not ours. His righteousness is not ours.
We I am getting at is this...we are unworthy. I am unworthy of God's love and grace and mercy in the context of what I am as a human. But, God choose to save us anyways through Jesus. He allowed you a way to be made clean and made new and made righteous and made good enough...but only through Jesus.
Our only heart felt response should be to live a life in gratitude and appreciation towards this display that God has made towards us and for us. We can't go through the motions anymore. We can't just get by. It's time we respond to God in thanksgiving and worship to him because he saved you and me. We did nothing but accept that invitation.
So how are you going to respond to God for what he has and is doing for you?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Elijah - Week 2
Watch week 2 of the Elijah series from Life Church.
Note: Link above will not work till Wednesday, May 20th.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Time for change
Currently, as we meet at our Depot Street location we are very close to being completely out of room. It's no different than when we moved from our original location as we grew from 9 to 65 people and then renovated and moved into the Depot Street location.
In a short time we will not be able to use the store front down from us for LifeKIDS. Our options are to add a portable building or move somewhere for more room. With a portable building we get temporary relief but no long term room to grow.
Myself and the leadership have put a great deal of time and prayer into a new location. It looks as though we have a unique opportunity for that to happen.
Please continue to pray for us as we dive into the details and make preparations.
I realize some people won't like the change to a new location...actually some people wont like any change, but if you are excited and passionate about what we are doing at Life Church and the opportunity to lead more people into a meaningful relationship with Jesus, I ask for you to get supportive...pray for me, leadership and the church as a whole.
I believe God has called Life Church Franklin to be a catalyst for a new spiritual awakening in Franklin, NC and as we stay faithful, generous and excited, God we bring, show and do amazing things through and around us.
Hang on Lifers, the ride has just begun!